Washington PTO Board Roles & Responsibilities

All Board Members are responsible for:

Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Attending Orientation
  • Attending 2 meetings a month
  • Training on Membership Toolkit
  • Be able to answer questions regarding events and committees to attract new volunteers!

Presidents (2)

Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Meet with principals monthly
  • Meet with superintendent and other PTO presidents within the district monthly
  • Create agendas for board and monthly meetings
  • Reserve space for events/meetings
  • Set PTO calendar (based on principal and district guidance)
  • Teacher welcome lunch
  • Lead the board nomination and voting process
  • Gifts for principals/school board/admin staff
  • New board member orientation
  • Liaison for the Welcome to Washington Committee for new parents to the school and Kindergarten parents


Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Facilitates committee signups and volunteer coordination
  • Collect committee reports/ set up committee report form
  • Recruit next year’s board members
  • Room Parent liaison and coordinator
    • Initial sign-up coordination (recruit and assign to classrooms)
    • Ongoing direction and communication
    • Work with room parents to obtain photographs for the Yearbook
  • Liaison to School Year committees
    • Lunchtime/Recess volunteers
    • Yearbook
    • Cultural Programs
    • Green Committee


Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Write and send out weekly newsletter
    • Including eblasts when needed
  • Update the Washington PTO Facebook page on a weekly basis
  • Check the Washington PTO email account and respond to inquiries
  • Record meeting minutes and post to the website
  • Write thank you notes to vendors and volunteers
  • Check and Distribute mail
  • Liaison to Social Committees
    • Family and Community Events (father/daughter dance, movie night, etc.)
    • Social events for parents
    • All Abilities Committee
    • Welcome Picnic
    • Community Events
      • Bernie’s books/ Uncle Pete’s lunch


Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Create and manage annual budget
  • Pay invoices, expense reimbursements, teacher grant requests
  • Monthly reports at board meetings
  • Complete and submit state 501c3 forms
  • Account Reconciliation, monthly reports
  • Manage annual audit and tax filings
  • Liaison to fundraising events 
    • Book Fair
    • Walk-A-Thon
    • Pizza Day
    • School Supplies


Monthly, Weekly, Project (several activities over a short period), as needed, once a year

  • Oversee the Website
    • Updates
    • Calendar Updates
    • Post/ Update Forms
    • Troubleshooting

Walk-A-Thon Sponsors

Walk-A-Thon Homepage
Classroom Leaderboard
Student Fundraising Page for Parents (Login Required. PTO Membership NOT Required)

Thank you for our 2024 Walk-A-Thon Sponsors for their generous support this year!  Please learn more about them by clicking their logo and help support our community.